The Man Van® is a mobile Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) blood testing facility.
There are two vans, one used primarily for urban clinics in Calgary and surrounding communities; the other is a larger van containing a lab that offers clinics throughout Alberta. These are the only mobile PSA testing clinics in Canada.
Besides the PSA blood test for men ages 40 to 80, a men’s health program offers a blood glucose test, blood pressure, waist circumference, and emotional well- being for men 18 years and over. Clinicians draw 5 mL of blood that is taken to the Prostate Cancer Centre’s lab for analysis. Men receive their results within a week of the clinic by email, text message, or a phone call. The program relies on volunteers who register men and drive the vans. These tests are free and supported by corporate and individual donors.
The PSA testing program began in 2009 with a single van and since then a second van was added. In early 2024 there are plans to have a third van that will service Edmonton and northern Alberta. Since 2009 over 50 000 men have been tested.
Prostate Cancer Canada For more information and where the vans are scheduled click the button below.
Hello I was.tested in Lethbridge at the AG Show.
I have either missed my results or did not receive them.
Can someone follow up with me on how to get the results?
PROSTAID Calgary unfortunately does not have access to any MAN Van results. We support their programs for prostate cancer screening. They normally email out results via secure email which would have to be accessed or opened within a set timeframe by clicking on a specific link. I believe if not opened within that time frame, it may not be accessible. Any questions about testing and results are best directed to The Prostate Cancer Centre .. .403.943.8888 info@prostatecancercentre.ca .