I’ve been asked to update my story first posted in Pathfinders in 1999, (Pathfinder was the first name
for our newsletter which became “The Digital Examiner”.
First, a brief recap of my treatment: I watched my psa climb slowly from 1.5 to 2.5 to 3.7 then in May
1997 to 5.6. This triggered a biopsy showing prostate cancer with Gleason score of 6. After learning
about the possible side effects of a radical prostatectomy I decided to learn all I could about the disease
and possible alternative treatments. My research led me to Seattle in August of 1997 and a visit with Dr.
Haken Ragde. Dr. Ragde recommended a three-part course of treatment: First, hormonal blockade for 4
months, second, a short course (25 sessions) of external beam radiation therapy (ebrt), then thirdly a
boost of radioactive seeds (brachytherapy). I was seeded in Seattle in December 1997 after receiving
the first two recommended treatments at Tom Baker Cancer Center. After treatment my psa was
A few months after the treatments I experienced a psa bounce to 1.7, which over the next few months
gradually fell back to undetectable.
A few years ago, after complaining about a general feeling of tiredness and fatigue due to low
testosterone I consulted a local doctor with much experience in testosterone replacement therapy and
have been on Androgel since then. Under his watch I get my psa tested every 3 to 6 months. As I write
now, some 26 years after my brachytherapy, my psa is still undetectable and my testosterone level is
where it should be for someone my age (82.5).
Over the years I’ve become much more aware of what I eat and drink and maintain a regular exercise
routine. I’ve cut red meat out of my diet, getting protein from fish, dairy products, and infrequently
My advice to newly dx’d patients is the same now as it was in 1999.
Take control of your condition and learn all you can about treatment choices. It’s your life! Get