The Digital Examiner is the monthly publication of PROSTAID Calgary. The goal of our journal is to keep our members up to date with the latest news updates surrounding prostate cancer, bolster community by sharing local and international initiatives, and sharing information and experiences through links, videos and stories. Subscribe to our monthly journal directly to your email inbox free by signing up for PROSTAID Calgary here.

This Month’s Digital Examiner:
- February 2025Includes: Testosterone Therapy May Not Up Recurrence, Additional prostate cancer treatment may adversely affect quality of life, Novartis: A New Treatment for PC, and more.
An archive of previous journals from years past can be found here in chronological order by clicking on any of the posts below:
Journal Archive:
- February 2025Includes: Testosterone Therapy May Not Up Recurrence, Additional prostate cancer treatment may adversely affect quality of life, Novartis: A New Treatment for PC, and more.
- January 2025Includes: Happy New Year! A New Treatment for Prostate Cancer, New way to ‘starve’ prostate cancer tumors at cellular level, Can sardines fight against cancer?
- December 2024Includes: Enzyme study, Microwave ablation, Docetaxel improves survival, Prostate Cancer overtreatment, Mushroom supplement, Omega-3 protects against cancer, and more!
- November 2024Includes: How to deal with prostate cancer day to day, Nanoparticle Therapy Offers New Hope, New Treatment for Aggressive Prostate Cancer, and more!
- October 2024Includes: ClarityDX, New prostate biopsy technique lowers infection risk, What drugs to use first, Trial could lead to new ‘gold standard’ test for PC, and more!
- September 2024Includes: Light up in Blue, MRI may help predict more aggressive prostate cancer, suicides and deaths up for spouses of patients with cancer, and more!
- August 2024Includes: Optimizing Sexual Well-Being, PSMA PET Beats MRI in prostate cancer staging study, LGBTQ + Cancer survivor’s more likely to have chronic conditions, and more!
- July 2024Includes: Summer Picnic, ClarityDX, Better Enzalutamide Outcomes, Research Team Identifies New Way to Treat Prostate Cancer, Glowing Dye May Help Surgeons, and more!
- June 2024Includes: Projected Estimates of Cancer in Canada in 2024, Optilume BPH Catheter System preserves Erectile and Ejaculatory Function, Yoga Restoring Brain Health, and more!
- May 2024Includes: Vacuum therapy for penile rehab, New screening protocol can detect aggressive prostate cancers, Plant-based diet improves sexual health, and more!
- April 2024Includes: Includes: New treatment option for prostate cancer shows successful outcomes, New blood test could reduce biopsies, and more!
- March 2024Includes: Peter Mansbridge on Prostate Cancer Awareness, Plant-based Diet Tied to Improved Sexual Health, and more!
- January 2024Includes: Take control of your condition, New PC Study, Is FLASH the Future?, Genetic Landscape of PC, and more!
- December 2023Includes: Dr. John Lewis 2023 Pathfinder Award Recipient, Black Men and Prostate Cancer, Save Your Sex Life After PC Treatment, and more!
- November 2023Includes: Latest news from the Prostate Cancer Centre, Radiation Therapy Improves Outcomes, Psychological Aspect of Erectile Dysfunction, and more!
- October 2023Includes: Project EXCEL, Member Story, Sexual Structure Sparing for Radiotherapy, 177Lutetium Efficacy, Predicting Prostate Cancer in PSA Grey Zone, and more!
- September 2023Includes: Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, Light Up in Blue, Biomarkers may help Black men at risk, Exercise interventions improve sexual dysfunction recovery, and more!
- August 2023Includes: Indigenous Men Less Likely to Receive PSA Testing, Diagnosis less likely in Obese men, Bacterial colonization in penile implants, and more!
- July 2023Includes: Making a personalized list of health/medical info, Treatment intensification in advanced prostate cancer lags behind data, New guidelines for early detection, and more!
- June 2023Includes: AGM, What’s New with PROSTAID Calgary, Volunteers needed, Enzalutamide Ups Metastasis-Free Survival, Improving immune responses in PC, MRI Guided Biopsies, BPH research updates, and more!
- May 2023Includes: Increase in active surveillance, Future Directions in Imaging, Physician’s Advice for defusing Patient Anger, Transgender Women Screening Disparity, and more!
- April 2023Includes: Back to In-Person Meetings , Guest speaker Hal Eagletail, Evolution of Precision Medicine for PC, Plant-based Diets reduce PC progression by 50%, and more!
- March 2023Includes: Prostate Cancer ADT Increases Bone Fracture Risk, Testosterone Therapy, Improving Survival in Black Patients, Advanced Prostate Cancer on the rise, Cal Ripken Jr. on PC, and more!
- February 2023Includes: Guest speakers Drs. Rob Rutledge and Gabriela Ilie, Exercise, diet and weight management during cancer treatment, women play a role in prostate health, CSSN needs your guidance, and more!
- January 2023Includes: President’s Message, Contribute your Genetic Profile to Help Prostate Cancer Research, Ivermectin for Cancer Treatment, Improving Sexual Health of Couples, and more!
- December 2022Includes: 2022 Pathfinder Award, Prostatitis and risk of Prostate Cancer, The Standard of Care for Low Risk Prostate Cancer, Delayed Urologic Cancer Care during COVID-19, and more!
- November 2022Includes: Hybrid meeting details, call for participants for new MRU study, 2022 Pathfinder Award recipient revealed, Stress can increase cancer mortality, PTSD in prostate cancer patients, and more!
- October 2022Includes: New meeting space and focus groups for next meeting, The Changing Landscape of Systemic Therapy, How to Read a Genomic Testing Report, Prognosis of prostate cancer patients improved, and more!
- September 2022Includes: Return to Face-to-Face meetings at Grey Eagle, Entering a New Era of Robotic Surgery, Understanding the Mechanisms of Exercise as Medicine to Increase Prostate Cancer Survival, and more!
- August 2022Includes: 50/50 Fundraising Raffle, Transforming Cancer Treatment with a Tablespoon of Blood, Best Prostate Biopsy Techniques in 2022, Prostate Cancer Virtual Conference, and more!
- July 2022Includes: PROSTAID 50/50 Fundraising Raffle, Membership Door Prize Winner Announced, iSTRIDE Research Study, Treatment of the Primary or Local Relapse in nmCRPC, CADTH Study Participants Needed, and more!
- June 2022Includes: Guest Speaker Bob Molle bio, Remembering Stewart Campbell, AGM Door Prize, Relationship between PSA and Testosterone levels in Men, Impact of Next Generation Imaging, Patients with metastatic prostate cancer living significantly longer, Canadian Cancer Survivor Network survey, and more!
- May 2022Includes: Dr. Linda Carlson bio, Are We Making Progress in Addressing Disparities in Prostate Cancer?, Treatment-Related Regret Among Men With Localized Prostate Cancer Journal Club, Seniors’ Centre Without Walls Edmonton, PCRI 2022 videos, and more!
- April 2022Includes: Demystifying Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome, Safa Rahman bio, First-in-Class Radioligand Therapy Approved for Advanced Prostate Cancer, Quality of life between choosing open vs. robotic radical prostatectomy, Cancer Treatment Decisions Survey, and more!
- March 2022Includes: The PREVENT Study, Dr. Philip Barber bio, our first OPEN MIC NIGHT, PROpel Suggests Adding Olaparib to Abi-raterone Improves Outcomes, Risk vs. Benefit for Active Surveillance for Patients with Intermediate-Risk Disease, and more!
- February 2022Includes: Could More Testosterone Be the Hidden Key to Fighting Prostate Cancer?, Don Wood bio, How Much Should You Eat?, Caregivers and Cancer, ZERO Prostate Cancer Summit, Canadian Clinical Trials, Articles of Interest, Video links, and more!
- January 2022Includes: Real-time MRI guided Prostate Radiotherapy, Dr. Sangjune Lee bio, ADT Educational Program, Sapiens Strategies Research Survey, Advances in Prostate Brachytherapy, Predictors of prostate cancer outcomes in Saskatchewan, Dave Lunn’s reading recommendations, and more!
- December 2021Includes: Year in Review, 2022 Speakers Preview, Message from the President, Surgery for Very High Risk to Oligometastatic Prostate Cancer, New Drug Delivery Could Significantly Improve Treatment Outcomes for Prostate Cancer, Who Needs Germline Testing, Videos of Interest, and more!
- November 2021Includes: Guest Speaker Tom Keenan, Nominate Prostaid for Charity Prize, Clinical Trials at Prostate Cancer Centre, Radiotherapy or Surgery?, Learning and Decisions-Making in Men with Localized Prostate Cancer, Impact of Family History on Oncological Outcomes, Videos of Interest, and more!
- October 2021Includes: Guest Speaker Lori Styner, Notes from the European Society of Medical Oncology Annual Congress, Wellbeing Pilot Study, Mediating Effect of Depression on Relationships for Patients with Cancer, Psychological Impact of COVID-19, Research Participants with mCRPC needed, and more videos, links and articles of interest.
- May 2021Includes: Guest Speaker Dr. Carrie Scarff, David’s Story, Loss of LDAH associated with prostate cancer and hearing loss, Newly Diagnosed and General Articles of Interest, Educational Video Links, and more!
- March 2020Includes: Pathfinder Award Recipient and Guest Speaker Shelley Spaner, Overdiagnosis of Cancer, Implementation of Novel Tools in the Active Surveillance Pathway, New in Our Library, Peer Support for BPH and Prostate Cancer, From our YouTube Channel, and more!