Recent Advances in Prostate Cancer Treatment

Prostaid Calgary Director Saif Lalani looks at today’s changing landscape for prostate cancer treatment with a deeper look at the following treatments: Darolutamide, Xofigo/Radium 223, and Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen (PSMA), their qualities and their availability today in Canada and beyond.

Patient Reported Outcomes

Dr. Linda Watson, the Scientific Director of Applied Research for Alberta Health Services speaks on Integrating Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO’s) into Ambulatory Care Processes in Cancer Control Alberta (CCA). She talks about the reality of health care in Alberta, how to get better outcomes for patients and how PRO tools can help us all advance the way we do health care.

Prostate Images: An Update with Mayfair Diagnostics

Shelley Spaner, Grace Yeung, Brendan Diederichs from Mayfair Diagnostics join PROSTAID Calgary this month for an update on where prostate imaging is in 2019 and how far it has come in the last 3 years. Brendan updates the audience on the Brand New 3Tesla Magnet at the Rockyview General Hospital and talks about its new features. Grace reviews the targeted biopsy program and Shelley reviews the updated literature on Imaging in Active Surveillance and patients in treatment. A detailed Q & A follows.