June 2023
Includes: AGM, What’s New with PROSTAID Calgary, Volunteers needed, Enzalutamide Ups Metastasis-Free Survival, Improving immune responses in PC, MRI Guided Biopsies, BPH research updates, and more!
MONTHLY MEETING: Scott Patterson talks Wellspring Cancer Support on Wednesday, February 19th. RSVP info here.
A Prostate Cancer Support Group
Includes: AGM, What’s New with PROSTAID Calgary, Volunteers needed, Enzalutamide Ups Metastasis-Free Survival, Improving immune responses in PC, MRI Guided Biopsies, BPH research updates, and more!
Dr. Tarek Bismar, from the School of Medicine at the University of Calgary, gives us an update on the molecular work he’s been doing with prostate cancer in his labs, and his hope for establishing a molecular platform for prostate cancer patients in Alberta.
Includes: Increase in active surveillance, Future Directions in Imaging, Physician’s Advice for defusing Patient Anger, Transgender Women Screening Disparity, and more!
Hal Eagletail of TsuuT’ina Nation visits us to discuss his culture’s traditional healing practices that can bring benefits to both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people alike. Hal’s perspective on isolating cancer and the process behind it should help many see this disease, and how to treat it, in a new light.
Includes: Back to In-Person Meetings , Guest speaker Hal Eagletail, Evolution of Precision Medicine for PC, Plant-based Diets reduce PC progression by 50%, and more!
Includes: Prostate Cancer ADT Increases Bone Fracture Risk, Testosterone Therapy, Improving Survival in Black Patients, Advanced Prostate Cancer on the rise, Cal Ripken Jr. on PC, and more!
Drs. Gabriela Ilie and Rob Rutledge from Dalhousie University out of Halifax join us to discuss their exciting research initiative that looks to help prostate cancer survivors empower themselves to take better care of themselves and benefit from their shared experiences. Learn more at their website http://pcpep.org
Includes: Guest speakers Drs. Rob Rutledge and Gabriela Ilie, Exercise, diet and weight management during cancer treatment, women play a role in prostate health, CSSN needs your guidance, and more!