Is Prehabilitation the Answer?

Dr. Lin Yang an Epidemiologist from the Department of Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Research, shares her studies of weight management and cancer. A tai chi exercise is also included with some new tips and techniques that you can incorporate into your own wellness workouts.

Developing Clarity Through Research

Our 2023 Pathfinder Award winner is Dr. John Lewis, a “research rockstar” who recently pioneered a new PSA Test using AI for enhanced precision called Clarity DX. Dr. Lewis accepts his award with a talk on how prostate cancer research has changed and evolved in the 7 years since we last spoke with him.

Exercise, Physical Activity & Living Well

Julianna Dreger & Jocelyn Cannon from the Health & Wellness Lab at the U of C give us a “moving” talk about how exercise is a safe and beneficial practice at any stage of the cancer experience.