February 2023
Includes: Guest speakers Drs. Rob Rutledge and Gabriela Ilie, Exercise, diet and weight management during cancer treatment, women play a role in prostate health, CSSN needs your guidance, and more!
MONTHLY MEETING: Scott Patterson talks Wellspring Cancer Support on Wednesday, February 19th. RSVP info here.
Includes: Guest speakers Drs. Rob Rutledge and Gabriela Ilie, Exercise, diet and weight management during cancer treatment, women play a role in prostate health, CSSN needs your guidance, and more!
Includes: Could More Testosterone Be the Hidden Key to Fighting Prostate Cancer?, Don Wood bio, How Much Should You Eat?, Caregivers and Cancer, ZERO Prostate Cancer Summit, Canadian Clinical Trials, Articles of Interest, Video links, and more!
Includes: Pathfinder Award Recipient and Guest Speaker Shelley Spaner, Overdiagnosis of Cancer, Implementation of Novel Tools in the Active Surveillance Pathway, New in Our Library, Peer Support for BPH and Prostate Cancer, From our YouTube Channel, and more!