July 2024
Includes: Summer Picnic, ClarityDX, Better Enzalutamide Outcomes, Research Team Identifies New Way to Treat Prostate Cancer, Glowing Dye May Help Surgeons, and more!
MONTHLY MEETING: Scott Patterson talks Wellspring Cancer Support on Wednesday, February 19th. RSVP info here.
Includes: Summer Picnic, ClarityDX, Better Enzalutamide Outcomes, Research Team Identifies New Way to Treat Prostate Cancer, Glowing Dye May Help Surgeons, and more!
The current prostate cancer (PCa) screen test, prostate-specific antigen (PSA), has a high sensitivity for PCa but low specificity for […]
Includes: Projected Estimates of Cancer in Canada in 2024, Optilume BPH Catheter System preserves Erectile and Ejaculatory Function, Yoga Restoring Brain Health, and more!
Bear Johal, the Co-founder and CEO of Osbon Medical Canada, joins us to discuss VEDs (Vacuum Erection Devices), how they work, how they compare to pills or other alternatives, and the advantages and disadvantages to different kinds of penile therapies.
Includes: Vacuum therapy for penile rehab, New screening protocol can detect aggressive prostate cancers, Plant-based diet improves sexual health, and more!
Includes: Includes: New treatment option for prostate cancer shows successful outcomes, New blood test could reduce biopsies, and more!
Dr. Lin Yang an Epidemiologist from the Department of Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Research, shares her studies of weight management and cancer. A tai chi exercise is also included with some new tips and techniques that you can incorporate into your own wellness workouts.
Includes: Peter Mansbridge on Prostate Cancer Awareness, Plant-based Diet Tied to Improved Sexual Health, and more!
Includes: Take control of your condition, New PC Study, Is FLASH the Future?, Genetic Landscape of PC, and more!
Julianna Dreger & Jocelyn Cannon from the Health & Wellness Lab at the U of C give us a “moving” talk about how exercise is a safe and beneficial practice at any stage of the cancer experience.