Have You Made Your Personalized List of Health/Medical Information? If Not, Why Not?
Submitted by Dave Lunn My last visit to the hospital was in the 2021 in the midst of the pandemic. […]
MONTHLY MEETING: Scott Patterson talks Wellspring Cancer Support on Wednesday, February 19th. RSVP info here.
A Prostate Cancer Support Group
Submitted by Dave Lunn My last visit to the hospital was in the 2021 in the midst of the pandemic. […]
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Testing What It Is, Why You Should Start Getting Tested, and When to Begin. Prostate-specific antigen […]
Dr. Desmond Pink and Dr. Argo Basu of Nanostics Inc. share their groundbreaking work in prostate cancer screening which has led them to the creation of the ClarityDX Prostate test.
Includes: Indigenous Men Less Likely to Receive PSA Testing, Diagnosis less likely in Obese men, Bacterial colonization in penile implants, and more!