Being a Caregiver (when you didn’t plan on it)

Don Wood is volunteer extraordinaire and the current co-chair for the Cancer Strategic Clinical Network (C-SCN) Alberta Cancer Diagnosis Initiative (ACDI) and a member of the Core SCN Committee for Alberta Health Services. After his wife passed away from a hard-fought battle with cancer, Don made it his mission to help others to try and make the health care world a better place for those who would come there after him.

Exercise, Physical Activity and Living Well

Julianna Dreger and Mannat Bansal from University of Calgary’s Health and Wellness Lab join us to discuss the health benefits of exercise, creating an exercise plan and oncology programs available to Southern Albertans. They finish the session off with a live stretching and exercise session that you can follow along to online.

Erection Implants and Incontinence

Calgary’s finest, urologist Dr. Richard Baverstock from the Southern Alberta Institute of Urology returns to Prostaid Calgary to talk about erectile and urinary dysfunction solutions in 2021. From medications to injections to surgical options, Dr. Baverstock talks about the pros and cons about each method and how they affect quality of life. Candid, funny and caring, Baverstock gives a great talk and a spirited Q & A afterwards.

Update on Biomarkers in Prostate Cancer

Tarek Bismar, MD, Professor of Pathology at the University of Calgary and Alberta Precision labs joins us again for an update on new research Dr. Bismar and has team have been undertaking to help us predict disease progression in the active surveillance population.

Women for Men’s Health

Dr. Shelley Spaner, a specialist in diagnostic radiology at Mayfair Diagnostics is awarded Prostaid Calgary’s Pathfinder’s Award for 2019 in this special presentation. Afterwards, Dr. Spaner gives a talk about her work on the Women for Men’s Health initiative.

Recent Advances in Prostate Cancer Treatment

Prostaid Calgary Director Saif Lalani looks at today’s changing landscape for prostate cancer treatment with a deeper look at the following treatments: Darolutamide, Xofigo/Radium 223, and Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen (PSMA), their qualities and their availability today in Canada and beyond.