Mental Wellness During the Pandemic

Dr. Dana Male, a Registered Provisional Psychologist with the Tom Baker Cancer Centre in Calgary joins us to talk about mental health and the steps to take to be thinking positive and feel good about yourself during more challenging times like our current situation during COVID-19. Asserting yourself and infesting in your well-being are the takeaways, along with a lively Zoom chat that follows.

Energetics in Cancer Prevention and Survivorship

Dr. Lin Yang, Epidemiologist for the Department of Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Control at Alberta Health Services speaks on how exercise, and even something as simple as balance, has shown significant results in longer lives and containing cancer. She talks specifically about Tai Chi, with a demonstration midway through to help us all see how mindfulness and balance are the first steps towards living healthier lives.

Patients as Partners in Cancer Research

Live from Zoom PROSTAID Calgary brings you a special presentation with Dr. Colleen Cuthbert, assistant professor in the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Calgary, as she charts the history of research participation, how patient involvement has evolved and how with new techniques and approaches we can learn more about fighting prostate cancer now than ever before.

March 2020

Includes: Pathfinder Award Recipient and Guest Speaker Shelley Spaner, Overdiagnosis of Cancer, Implementation of Novel Tools in the Active Surveillance Pathway, New in Our Library, Peer Support for BPH and Prostate Cancer, From our YouTube Channel, and more!

Women for Men’s Health

Dr. Shelley Spaner, a specialist in diagnostic radiology at Mayfair Diagnostics is awarded Prostaid Calgary’s Pathfinder’s Award for 2019 in this special presentation. Afterwards, Dr. Spaner gives a talk about her work on the Women for Men’s Health initiative.

Cancer and Aging: Move More and Sit Less

Dr. Lin Yang reminds us how exercise is important for cancer suppression but actually gives a lot of measured and interesting scientific data to show the why and how it helps. She talks about how aging is less a number and more a lifestyle choice and how long and healthy lives can come by practicing a few specific mantras, like Tai Chi.

Gary Bobrovitz on his Journey with Prostate Cancer

Celebrated news reporter and power lifter Gary Bobrovitz talks about his early diagnosis of prostate cancer at 49 years of age and how it impacted his life, reminding us that knowledge and action are the two most important things we can all use to combat the disease and live a long and healthy life.

Travel Insurance with Prostate Cancer

Pam Murray from AMA Travel gives a frank and knowledgeable discussion about traveling nationally and abroad and what you’re covered for, and what you’re not, when you’re getting insurance. She also talks about dealing with the complications of having prostate cancer, or other ailments, that could effect how you get coverage.

My PhD in Prostate Cancer

Renowned philanthropist and Calgary engineer and businessman W. Brett Wilson returns to PROSTAID Calgary to give us an update on his journey with prostate cancer. Since he last spoke with us his cancer had returned, and he talks at length about his treatment modalities and his focus on positivity and knowledge during times of struggle. There are some laughs, some hushed truths and a few F-bombs along the way in this transformative talk.

Experiences from a Survivor

Successful businessman and philanthropist W. Brett Wilson discusses his experiences with prostate cancer with a focus on a positive mental attitude and a take charge methodology. He’s frank about his radiation treatment and general insights on treatment of the disease.