Treatment Intensification in Metastatic Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer

PROSTAID Calgary’s 2022 Pathfinder Award went to Dr. Geoffrey Gotto, who presented on new research and innovations in metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer (MCSPC) that is leading to longer survival and greater quality of life in prostate cancer patients who do combinations of treatments to combat the cancer.

June 2022

Includes: Guest Speaker Bob Molle bio, Remembering Stewart Campbell, AGM Door Prize, Relationship between PSA and Testosterone levels in Men, Impact of Next Generation Imaging, Patients with metastatic prostate cancer living significantly longer, Canadian Cancer Survivor Network survey, and more!

Managing Stress During a Cancer Journey

Clinical psychologist and professor at the University of Calgary, Dr. Linda Carlson returns to PROSTAID to give us some strategies on how to deal with stress, including approaches to breathing and mindfulness. The talk ends with some meditative exercises that will be sure to calm you and give you a new understanding of Integrative Oncology.

May 2022

Includes: Dr. Linda Carlson bio, Are We Making Progress in Addressing Disparities in Prostate Cancer?, Treatment-Related Regret Among Men With Localized Prostate Cancer Journal Club, Seniors’ Centre Without Walls Edmonton, PCRI 2022 videos, and more!