If something doesn’t seem right, it probably isn’t:
Our Story: G. was very athletic, jogging, cycling 7000K a year, ate all the right foods, stayed out of the […]
MONTHLY MEETING: Scott Patterson talks Wellspring Cancer Support on Wednesday, February 19th. RSVP info here.
Our Story: G. was very athletic, jogging, cycling 7000K a year, ate all the right foods, stayed out of the […]
Submitted by Dave Lunn My last visit to the hospital was in the 2021 in the midst of the pandemic. […]
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Testing What It Is, Why You Should Start Getting Tested, and When to Begin. Prostate-specific antigen […]
Dr. Desmond Pink and Dr. Argo Basu of Nanostics Inc. share their groundbreaking work in prostate cancer screening which has led them to the creation of the ClarityDX Prostate test.
Includes: Making a personalized list of health/medical info, Treatment intensification in advanced prostate cancer lags behind data, New guidelines for early detection, and more!
On the year of its 30th anniversary, two of PROSTAID’s past-presidents and key figures, Ron Gorham and Bob Shiell, share their recollections of the organization, their journeys with prostate cancer and how far we’ve all come from 1993.
Includes: AGM, What’s New with PROSTAID Calgary, Volunteers needed, Enzalutamide Ups Metastasis-Free Survival, Improving immune responses in PC, MRI Guided Biopsies, BPH research updates, and more!
Dr. Tarek Bismar, from the School of Medicine at the University of Calgary, gives us an update on the molecular work he’s been doing with prostate cancer in his labs, and his hope for establishing a molecular platform for prostate cancer patients in Alberta.
Includes: Increase in active surveillance, Future Directions in Imaging, Physician’s Advice for defusing Patient Anger, Transgender Women Screening Disparity, and more!
Hal Eagletail of TsuuT’ina Nation visits us to discuss his culture’s traditional healing practices that can bring benefits to both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people alike. Hal’s perspective on isolating cancer and the process behind it should help many see this disease, and how to treat it, in a new light.